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Writer's pictureKimberly Jackson FNP, PMHNP

Postpartum depression and anxiety.

Updated: Nov 6, 2023

What is postpartum depression and anxiety? Up to 80% of women to experience the “baby blues”—feeling stressed, sad, anxious, lonely, tired or weepy after their baby’s birth. But some women (1 in 7) experience postpartum anxiety and depression (PMAD).

Unlike the baby blues, PMADD doesn’t go away on its own. It can show up days, weeks or even months after delivering a baby. If left untreated, it can last for many weeks or months. PMAD can make it hard for you to get through the day, and it can affect your ability to take care of yourself or your baby.

PMAD can affect any woman and with any pregnancy - easy, difficult, first-time mothers & mothers with one or more children, regardless of income, age, race or ethnicity, culture, or education.

What are the symptoms of Postpartum Anxiety and Depression? The warning signs are different for everyone but may include:

  • A loss of pleasure or interest in doing things you used to like, including sex.

  • Eating much more, or much less, than you usually do.

  • Anxiety - worry, nervousness, feeling on edge or panic attacks.

  • Racing, scary thoughts, difficulty slowing down your thoughts.

  • Feeling guilty or worthless and/or blaming yourself.

  • Excessive irritability, anger, or agitation. Possibly mood swings.

  • Sadness and/or crying uncontrollably for very long periods of time.

  • Worry that you are not a good mother.

  • Fear of being left alone with the baby.

  • Feeling miserable.

  • Not being able to go to sleep, stay asleep or sleeping too much.

  • Feeling disinterested or disconnected to the baby, family, and friends.

  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions.

  • Thoughts of hurting yourself or your baby (see below for numbers to call to get immediate help).

If these warning signs or symptoms last more than 2 weeks, you may need to get help. Whether your symptoms are mild or severe, recovery is possible with proper treatment.

What are the risk factors for PMAD? Typically from the change in hormone levels after childbirth.

  • Previous experience of depression or anxiety symptoms.

  • Family history of depression, anxiety or mental illness.

  • Stress involved in caring for your baby and managing these new life changes.

  • Having a baby who cries more than usual & is hard to comfort.

  • Having a baby whose sleep and hunger needs are hard to predict.

  • Having a baby with special needs (premature birth, medical complications, illness)

  • First-time motherhood, very young motherhood, or older motherhood.

  • Emotional life stressors, such as the death of a loved one or family problems

  • Financial issues or employment problems.

  • Isolation real or perceived and lack of social support.

What can I do?

  • Don’t face PMAD alone. Talk to your therapist, nurse practitioner, ob/gyn, pediatrician, midwife, or primary care provider for help and guidance.

  • Talk about your feelings with your partner, other mothers, friends, and relatives.

  • Join a support group for mothers— Postpartum Support International has resources for any and all types of support

  • Find a relative or close friend who can help you take care of the baby.

  • Get as much sleep and rest as you can. If you can’t rest even when you want to, get help from a medical provider.

  • As soon as your provider says it’s okay, take walks and exercise.

  • Try not to worry about unimportant tasks and less important responsibilities. Be realistic about what you can do while taking care of a new baby.

  • Follow a healthy diet.

  • Remember that postpartum anxiety and depression is not your fault, and it is treatable.

  • If you are having thoughts of hurting yourself or your baby, take action now: Put the baby in a safe place, like a crib. Call a friend or family member for help if you need to. Then, call a suicide hotline (free and staffed all day, every day):

IMAlive 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Dial 988 (Formerly known as The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK)

Please reach out because we can help you

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